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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2000-10-31  |  148KB  |  1024x768  |  16-bit (26,439 colors)
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OCR: AWEB.1 - AppMl - Images file://localhost/HardDrive:Eigene Dateien/AppMI/EnglishDocumentation/ImagesAll.htm V Filename Image Action Description Information Example Group 3D render start render engine draw Add add new data add new data to a file standart Addressbook open addressbook open the addressbook mail AppMI AdressbookAdd add address add adress to the addressbook mail Allign Block allignment block set allign a marked text to a block text Index Introduction News Allign Center allignment center allign a marked text to the center of the document text Images Animations allignment left allign a marked text to the left margin of the History AllignLeft document text Misc Contact AllignRight allignment right allign a marked text to the right margin of the document text Please note that the Anim animation animation or start a application for editing or quality of the images displaying animations dras in this documentation is reduced! Archiv archive archive or start a application for archiving file copyright by ArchivAdd add to archive add files to a archive file "Masonicons" Martin Merz ArchivExtract extract from archive extract files from a archive file App Ml ARexx ARexx command use ARexx commands standart Release 6 Documentation Version 2.1 Arrow East scroll right scroll or navigate right reworked in the 5th release standart The Author can not ArrowLeft browse back browse back don't use it for navigation reworked in the 6th release Stop browser be made responsible for any damage on Arrow North scroll up scroll or navigate up reworked in the 5th release standart Hard - or Software, Your using this material at your own Arrow Right browse next browse next don't use it for navigation reworked in the 6th release browser risk Arrow South scroll down scroll or navigate down reworked in the 5th release standart ArrowWest scroll left scroll or navigate left reworked in the 5th release standart Autocopy make copies make several copies or backups of a file file Back Dark none dark gradient background image background Back Dark Framed none dark gradient background image with a frame background